About Tartisan Nickel
About Tartisan Nickel
Tartisan Nickel Corp.
As the world looks to add EV’s to the transportation mix to reduce air pollution the demand for battery metals increases. Nickel is one of these battery metals in demand and there are few new high quality development projects ready to meet this demand. Silver, zinc, copper and even lead are part of this transformation in EV sector. Tartisan is well positioned to be in this battery market through its projects and investments.
Tartisan is well positioned to be in this battery market through its projects and investments.
The Kenbridge property is in the north-central part of the Atikwa Lake area and the south-central part of the Fisher Lake Area, Kenora Mining Division, approximately 70 kilometres east-southeast of the Town of Kenora, in northwestern Ontario, Canada. The property is accessible via gravel roads from paved Highway 71.
The Kenbridge Nickel Project is covered by patented and unpatented mining claims totaling 4,110ha. Most of the property is covered by 93 contiguous Patented Mining Claims with mining and surface rights or only mining rights, and 4 Mining Licenses of Occupation with only mining rights. In addition, there are 153 unpatented single cell mining claims. The Kenbridge Deposit is covered by Patented Mining Claim PAT-5599 and PAT5593.